Momma Goose Baroque Baby Necklaces Multi M

Availability: In stock (1)
Momma Goose Amber Teething Necklaces are a natural form of pain relief for teething babies. Amber itself is a fossilized tree resin, and contains "succinic acid", which when released into the skin, provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. For a teething baby, this means pain relief and reduction of the inflammation of the gums that accompanies teething! 

When the amber is worn against the skin, the warmth of the skin allows the amber to release trace amounts of the succinic acid, providing the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties to the water. 

Momma Goose Amber Necklaces are safe for your baby to wear. Each each on the necklace is individually knotted on the string, ensuring that if your baby breaks the necklace that only one bead will be free. Also, the beads are made smaller than the size of a pea. The plastic clasp at the back of the necklace is free from all metals and allergens, and is also held together by knots - ensuring that if there was enough pressure put on the clasp that it would break open.

  • Small: 11-11.5"
  • Medium: 12-12.5"
  • Natural form of pain relief for teething babies
  • Contains "succinic acid" - which provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
  • Therapeutic value comes from wearing the necklace close to the babies neck and for long peiods during the day
  • Safe for your baby to wear
*Amber Necklaces are not meant to be chewed on. Choose the appropriate size for your baby so that they can not get the necklace into his/her mouth. Amber necklaces are not meant to be worn to around the baby's neck while napping or going to bed.
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